Home > Blossary: Chinese famous scenic spots
China has a lot of famous scenic spots.

Category: Travel

30 Terms

Created by: vivian sun

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

A geological phenomenon where rocks move without human or animal intervention, leaving behind long tracks. Stones with rough bottoms tend to leave straight striated tracks while those with smooth ...

Domain: Earth science; Category: Geology Collected Term

Head and neck cancer refers to a group of biologically similar cancers that start in the lip, oral cavity (mouth), nasal cavity (inside the nose), paranasal sinuses, pharynx, and larynx. 90% of head ...

Domain: Health care; Category: Cancer treatment

An espresso machine is a device that brews coffee by forcing pressurized water near boiling point through a "puck" of ground coffee and a filter in order to produce a thick, concentrated ...

Domain: Household appliances; Category: Coffee makers

Vecā vasaras pils (Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden) atrodas Pekinā, blakus vasaras pils rietumu nomalē, veido yuanmingyuan, saudzēšana parks un skaisti pavasara dārza, pazīstams arī kā ap parku. Bez ...

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

U rôznych časov v starovekej Číne je veľké múry postavené aby vydržali saibei kočovné kmeňové aliancie napadnúť pomerne rozsiahle vojenské pracuje spoločne. Veľký čínsky múr sa rozkladá na ...

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

圆明园(Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden)坐落在北京西郊,与颐和园毗邻,由圆明园、长春园和绮春园组成,所以也叫圆明三园。此外,有许多小园,分布在圆明园东、西、南三面,众星拱月般环绕在圆明园周围。[1]圆明园是清代著名的皇家园林之一,面积五千二百余亩,一百五十余景。建筑面积达16万平方米,还有"万园之园"之称![2]清朝皇帝每到盛夏就来到这里避暑、听政,处理军政事务,因此也称 ...

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

故宫位于中国北京市市中心,旧称紫禁城。于明代永乐十八年(1420年)建成,是明、清两代的皇宫,汉族宫殿建筑之精华,无与伦比的古代建筑杰作,世界现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群。故宫全部建筑由"前朝"与"内廷"两部分组成,四周有城墙围绕。四面由筒子河环抱。城四角有角楼。四面各有一门,正南是午门,为故宫的正门。2011年国庆期间,故宫8万人限流措施一度"失守",对此,故宫有关负责人表示,今后故宫将 ...

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

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Looking for more terms.

10:04, 27 October 2014


What do you know about aperture?

05:11, 25 October 2014


I especially like your inclusion of "vegetable" in its agricultural form into this Blossary.

16:19, 24 October 2014


soeharto from Indonesia?

04:55, 15 October 2014

vivian sun

I like chinese place. It is my home!

08:36, 21 August 2014
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By: vivian sun